In the 1890s a nanny accepts a position in California, but upon arrival she learns that her six-year-old charge hasn’t spoken since his mother’s death, fueling troubling rumors about her employer that do not align with the man she comes to know.
I'm not sure if Beyond the Silence was more Kimberley Woodhouse's work or not, but I enjoyed this much more than the last few books of Tracie Peterson's that I've picked up.
The prologue caught my interest immediately – how could it not?! – and I couldn't stop turning the rest of the pages for the rest of the story. In fact, once I ended the book, I was still thinking about the characters and wishing I could keep reading about them! They were well thought out and, except for the 'bad guys,' I loved all of them, from the housekeeper to the field workers to the mercantile man.
Woody and Little Jimmy's story is one that tugged on my heart, and sweet, but strong, Lillian brought such healing and hope into their lives that I couldn't help but love her. Beyond the Silence definitely ran the gamut as far as emotions go, everything from intrigue...sorrow...hatefulness...genuine compassion and love...and innocence.
I loved it...and I think you will too!
Thank you to Tracie, Kimberley, and Bethany House through Bethany House Blogger Review Program for sending me a copy to read and review!
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