Artist Alison Schuyler spends her time working in her family’s renowned art gallery, determined to avoid the curse that has followed the Schuyler clan from the Netherlands to America and back again. She’s certain that true love will only lead to tragedy—that is, until a chance meeting at Waterloo station brings Ian Devlin into her life. Drawn to the bold and compassionate British Army captain, Alison begins to question her fear of love as World War II breaks out, separating the two and drawing each into their own battles. While Ian fights for freedom on the battlefield, Alison works with the Dutch Underground to find a safe haven for Jewish children and priceless pieces of art alike. But safety is a luxury war does not allow. As time, war, and human will struggle to keep them apart, will Alison and Ian have the faith to fight for their love, or is it their fate to be separated forever?
It has been a long time since a book has kept me reading late into the night. Where Treasure Hides can account for some of my tiredness today! ;-) I couldn't put it down.
The story had just what I enjoy in a WWII novel – intrigue and fear. Accounts of hiding and escapes. Hearts torn between love and loyalty. Even though the main character is an artist, and the story revolves around much of the stolen/hidden art during Hitler's regime, I didn't feel it was as 'artsy' as some of the past novels that have talked about the Monuments Men. I liked that. The art of WWII is a fascinating subject, but I can get easily bored if the artsy side gets too detailed.
Instead, the story focused more on the characters and their experiences and feelings. It was good. Really good.
The story is very long (almost 400 pages!), and yet it could have been even longer! The author skips whole years with some chapters. I guess the book could have dragged then, but I enjoyed the characters enough that I wondered what went on during the passed over time.
But, oh, the epilogue!! Oh! I can't tell you, of course, without giving it away, but...oh!! I thought and hoped for what was revealed in the epilogue...but not as it truly was in the epilogue! Confused?! Haa! You'll have to read it for yourself! It was a sadly satisfying ending.
I will definitely watch for more from Johnnie Alexander!
Thank you to Johnnie and the Tyndale Blog Network for sending me a copy to read and review!
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