Welcome to the Litfuse Blog Tour for Snow on the Tulips by Liz Tolsma!
A stranger's life hangs in the balance. But to save him is to risk everything.
The war is drawing to a close, but the Nazis still occupy part of the Netherlands. After the losses she's endured, war widow Cornelia is only a shadow of the woman she once was. She fights now to protect her younger brother, Johan, who lives in hiding.
When Johan brings Gerrit Laninga, a wounded Dutch Resistance member, to Cornelia's doorstep, their lives are forever altered. Although scared of the consequences of harboring a wanted man, Cornelia's faith won't let her turn him out.
As she nurses Gerrit back to health, she is drawn to his fierce passion and ideals, and notices a shift within herself. Gerrit's intensity challenges her, making her want to live fully, despite the fear that constrains her. When the opportunity to join him in the Resistance presents itself, Cornelia must summon every ounce of courage imaginable.
She is as terrified of loving Gerrit as she is of losing him. But as the winter landscape thaws, so too does her heart. Will she get a second chance at true love? She fears their story will end before it even begins.
Wow. I could not put Snow on the Tulips down – I read it in just a few hours, finishing the book at 1 in the morning!
I can't ever resist a WWII story, and Liz's was impressive. She successfully portrayed the struggle between doing wrong...or obeying God. Or is some wrong right when it goes against evil? Is lying ever ok when it protects someone from a murderer? With God-fearing husbands and members of the Dutch Resistance, Liz artfully told both sides of the coin.
Snow on the Tulips was also a very emotional story. I had a hard time reading in several spots as my tears blurred the words on the page. I can't imagine going through the same difficulties many of those men and women had to endure. What choice would I make? Would I react passively...or would I get involved?
I most enjoyed that Liz was inspired to write her story from true accounts in her own family's history! I love historical fiction for that very reason!
If you enjoy riveting page-turners, Snow on the Tulips will not disappoint!
That's what I thought! Click HERE to see what other reviewers are saying!
Thank you to Liz and Thomas Nelson through Litfuse for sending me a copy to read and review!
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**DISCLOSURE: I was given a free product in exchange for an honest review. Please read my full disclosure policy HERE.**