Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell

Thanks to NetGalley, I have the opportunity to share Miralee Ferrell's newest book with you! Blowing on Dandelions:

Do Dandelion Wishes Actually Come True?

Katherine Galloway knew this moment of calm wouldn’t last, blown away like the dandelion seeds she scattered as a girl. In 1880, three years after her husband’s death, she struggles to run an Oregon boardinghouse and raise two girls alone. Things don't get easier when her critical, domineering mother moves in. Katherine must make the situation work, but standing up for herself and her family while honoring her mother isn't easy. And with a daughter entering the teenage years, the pressure on Katherine becomes close to overwhelming. Then she crosses paths with Micah Jacobs, a widower who could reignite her heart, but she fears a relationship with him might send things over the edge. She must find the strength, wisdom, hope, and faith to remake her life, for everything is about to change.

I really enjoyed this one! Miralee was able to write a book full of emotion that I think many women can relate to. Katherine Galloway struggles with her relationship with her mother. I appreciated that she worked so hard at staying respectful, and yet, I kept agreeing with her daughter, Lucy, that she needed to stand up for herself a bit! And yet, perhaps there are those of us who are the 'prickly' one... putting up barriers so we don't get hurt, but only hurting those around us without sometimes realizing it! Like I said, I think the book dealt with a struggle many women can relate to.

That and the sweet romance between Katherine and the town's new blacksmith and livery owner...ahh, Blowing on Dandelions was a very satisfying story all around. Worth the read!

Thank you to Miralee and David C. Cook through NetGalley for sending me an e-copy to read and review!

Also reviewed on Amazon and Christianbook.

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**DISCLOSURE: I was given a free product in exchange for an honest review. Please read my full disclosure policy HERE.**

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