Today, I'm sharing with you Though My Heart is Torn by Joanne Bischof.
Lonnie only wanted her husband’s love. Now that he belongs to another, can she surrender Gideon to a God with a bigger plan?
When I was a young girl, a pastor at my school said something that has stuck with me ever since – I even had a copy hanging on my bedroom wall during those 'peer pressure' years: It is always HARDER to do what is right, but it is always RIGHT to do what is right.
That's what I kept thinking throughout Though My Heart is Torn. Wow, I'm not even sure how to describe the book. It took me only a day to read, because I couldn't put it down (great writing!), but when I finished, I felt unsettled.
I could hardly wrap my head around all the regret and struggle throughout the book. I never expected to feel sorry for Cassie, but I did. I fought tears through almost the entire book!
You'll want to read book one, Be Still My Soul, before starting this one. Be Still My Soul ends with Lonnie and Gideon repairing the rocky start to their marriage, and all seems well. Unfortunately, Though My Heart is Torn starts right out with an awful revelation – Gideon was married before...and still is, according to the law.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave...!
Gideon's past mistakes now haunt him and hurt everyone he loves.
Though My Heart is Torn isn't a happy story. I struggled with the rights and wrongs of the story. What I wanted to happen, just couldn't...and what I didn't want to occur seemed to be transpiring by the end of the book.
I didn't feel that hearts were mended by the final chapter, nor did I feel a satisfactory conclusion. And, book 3 won't be released until October 2013!
I really don't know what to say! Though My Heart is Torn is the perfect title for this book...and my review! The story is definitely an emotion tugger and will make you think. The choices you make are never yours alone. While God will certainly forgive your past, the consequences, good or bad, will effect those around you, so be very, very careful in your actions!
Please take a moment to rank my review for Blogging for Books! I would appreciate it!
You can read an excerpt from Though My Heart is Torn HERE.
Thank you to Joanne and Waterbrook Multnomah's Blogging for Books program for sending me a copy to read and review!
Also reviewed on Amazon and Christianbook.

**DISCLOSURE: I was given a free product in exchange for an honest review. Please read my full disclosure policy HERE.**