A young widow nursing the wounds of her past...
A cowboy with demons of his own...
Taming the Wind was a good tie-up to Tracie’s Land of the Lone Star series. I must admit that the beginning felt a bit slow to me. I love historical fiction, but some of the more historical facts felt forced into the dialogue which left me skimming certain passages. After setting the book down, whether attending to my children or doing my dishes or bedtime, I had no real desire to get back to the story.
Fortunately, the storyline picked up about halfway through the book, when Laura’s baby decides to make an early arrival, and I had no problems finishing the book.
Taming the Wind could be read as a standalone, but it was helpful to know the ending of book 2 to connect with Carissa. It was also nice to reunite with Hannah and William from Chasing the Sun (book 1), and a surprise that book 1’s villain even makes an appearance with a mistaken kidnapping!
I was glad that Taming the Wind ended happily. Carissa and Tyler’s painful pasts lend plenty of seriousness to the story, but steer slidin’ added some humor to the pages. If you like western-style romance, Tracie’s final installment to the series will please you.
That's what I thought! See what other reviewers are saying HERE!
GIVEAWAY ALERT: Tracie is giving away a Kindle Fire! Enter by clicking the contest icon below (or in my left sidebar)! Hurry! Entries accepted until September 25!
That's what I thought! See what other reviewers are saying HERE!
GIVEAWAY ALERT: Tracie is giving away a Kindle Fire! Enter by clicking the contest icon below (or in my left sidebar)! Hurry! Entries accepted until September 25!

AND FOR YOU, a peek into the book:
Taming The Wind
Thank you to Tracie and Litfuse for sending me a copy to read and review!
Also reviewed on Amazon and Christianbook.

**DISCLOSURE: I was given a free product in exchange for an honest review. Please read my full disclosure policy HERE.**