Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pinterest made me! Kiss Pies!

Are you on Pinterest??

Let's just say: fantabulous idea OVERLOAD! ;-)

If you're saying What's Pinterest?! I guess the easiest way to describe it is a visual bookmarking site. Once you find an idea that you love, you 'pin' it to one of your own virtual bulletin boards. You can follow friends or other pinners based on your interests, from food to home decorating ideas to fashion.

I'm a food/recipe follower. Surprised?! ;-)

One of my friends pinned this fun, sweet idea (left) from Picky Palate: Kiss Pies!

I immediately pinned the recipe, knowing I had both pie crusts and kisses in my freezer from my leftover Christmas stash.

I don't enjoy fussy cooking (rolling dough, cutting cookies, pinching dough), but these pretty little pockets were fun. They'd be perfect for a party!

I used regular kisses and sprinkled the tops with cinnamon sugar.

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I see endless possibilities here. Caramel kisses? Peanut Butter? Miniature Milky Ways?! Nom, nom!!

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