Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another Birthday Cake!

We just celebrated another birthday in our house.

You can probably guess that it was for my little guy...
although daddy thought the cake was pretty cool, too! ;-)

I bought a $6 set of little CAT vehicles, crushed up some chocolate cookies, frosted a 9x13 cake (split in half and stacked to make a small layer cake) in orange buttercream frosting (per the birthday boy's request), and printed off a few road signs, and wa-laa! A 'dump truck' cake my little boy LOVED.

Believe me, you don't have to do something fancy for your kids (they really don't notice that you can't frost a cake smoothly or know how to make fondant flowers)! Just knowing that you took the time to make something fun will be special to them!

Not sure where to get decorating ideas? Google. :-)

But be sure to use this delicious Birthday Buttercream recipe! Nom, nom! (I decided to use all shortening this time, and it was perfect!)

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