Lt. Raymond Novak prefers the pulpit to the cockpit, but at least his stateside job training B-17 pilots allows him the luxury of a personal life. As he courts Helen Carlisle, a young war widow and mother who conceals her pain under a frenzy of volunteer work, the sparks of their romance set a fire that flings them both into peril.
After Ray leaves to fly a combat mission at the peak of the air war over Europe, Helen takes a job in a dangerous munitions yard and confronts an even graver menace in her own home. Will they find the courage to face their challenges? And can their young love survive until blue skies return?
Blue Skies Tomorrow is the third book in Sarah Sundin’s Wings of Glory series, and I must say, she saved the BEST for last!
I initially wanted to read Sarah’s books because of the WWII setting – that’s one of my favorite eras. After reading book one, I realized it was more of a homefront setting, which was unusual for me, but not unlikeable. However, I much prefer the intrigue of the European arena, although I loved Walt and Allie. Same with Jack and Ruth’s story in book two. Enjoyed it…
But Blue Skies Tomorrow topped them both in my opinion – hometown romance, past scars, present grief, and my favorite: a bit of intrigue in Europe.
The characters in this story about the third Novak brother were real, the plot believable (well…I could imagine a bit of crazy Hogan’s Heroes in part of it – I’d love to know where the inspiration for that came. Just your imagination, Sarah…or any bits of a true story??) Anyway, I empathized with Ray. I agonized with Helen. I was disgusted by Vic. I was astonished by the events surrounding Esther and Carver. I felt sorry for Mrs. Carlisle and even little Jay-Jay. The list goes on!
I can’t spoil the story for you – but Ray’s decision to pilot a plane during combat brings about circumstances that kept me turning the pages, quite unsure of a happy ending. I especially loved the ‘ending’ of the story of the ink stain on the piano… You’ll have to read it! And poor Ray’s outburst in church… oh! I can’t tell you! How embarrassing. Made me giggle.
Truly, Blue Skies Tomorrow was great. Although each book in the Wings of Glory series has a few overlapping characters, you don’t need to read them in sequence. I think you can easily understand and enjoy Blue Skies without having read the first two.
Recommended read!
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So, that's what I thought! Click HERE to see what other reviewers are saying about Sarah's newest book!
BUT WAIT! {GIVEAWAY ALERT!} To celebrate the release of Blue Skies Tomorrow, the final installment of the Wings of Glory series, Sarah is giving one lucky winner A Vintage Kindle Prize Package! To enter, click the image below! But, hurry, giveaway ends on 9/10. Winner will be announced on 9/12 at Sarah Sundin's blog. Details and official rules can be found when entering the contest.
A special thank you to Sarah and Litfuse for sending me a copy to read and review!
Also reviewed on Amazon and Christianbook.

**Disclaimer: I was given a free product for review purposes only. My reviews are not monetarily compensated and have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way, unless otherwise disclosed. Each review is based on the reactions and opinions of myself and/or family. Post *may* contain affiliate links.**
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