I could never stomach getting a rectal reading, so since both kids were babies, I've had an ear thermometer. The ear thermometer seemed like it should be so simple.
As babies, their ear canal is so small, making readings inaccurate. And, then, if you don't position the probe correctly, you continue to get inaccurate results.
Even though I still whipped out the ear thermometer when I thought they were warm, I basically relied on my mama wrist or lips feeling their foreheads if I thought they had a temperature.

I must say I'm pretty impressed!

Placing the thermometer's probe in the middle of the forehead and taking a 2-second slide over to the hairline is all it takes to use Exergen's TemporalScanner.
And while that seems simple, it does take a bit of coordination and practice to keep the probe in contact with the skin. (Either that, or my kids have bumpy heads)! ;-) Breaking skin contact will give inaccurate readings.
I found it easier to take my children's temperatures if they placed their heads as if lying down.

The thermometer works by "capturing the...heat from skin over the temporal artery, which runs across the forehead and is directly connected to the heart via the carotid artery."
After a little practice, I received consistent 98.4-98.6 readings over and over from me, my husband, and kids. I even tested the thermometer on my wrist, just to see if it was really giving a "real" temperature. Yep, my wrist was a much cooler 97.something.
I hope I don't have to use the Temporal Artery Thermometer very often. I definitely prefer healthy kids, don't you?! ;-)
BUT... knowing I have the simple-to-use-super-fast-results Exergen TemporalScanner in my medicine cabinet, I won't have to rely on my wrist anymore! (The kids will still get my forehead smooches, though)!
Ready to BUY one? The Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer ($30-$50) can be found nationwide at Walmart, Walgreens, Costco, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, and Sam's Club or through online retailers like Amazon.
The Exergen TemporalScanner would make a fantastic baby shower gift!
Click HERE for a $5 rebate coupon!
Want to WIN one? Exergen has generously agreed to give one of my readers their own Temporal Artery Thermometers!To enter, tell me why you want this thermometer.
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- Follow my blog publicly via a feed reader or subscribe by email (must confirm subscription). Comment and let me know! If you're already a follower/subscriber, comment and let me know! (1 entry)
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Also reviewed on Amazon and Walmart.com.
Recommend: YES

**Disclaimer: This is a Mama Buzz review. I was given a free product by Exergen for review purposes only. My reviews are not monetarily compensated and have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way, unless otherwise disclosed. Each review is based on the reactions and opinions of myself and/or family.**
Tags: Exergen TemporalScanner fever digital thermometer product reviews thermometer forehead thermometer
I'd like to win this thermometer because it’s so non-invasive you can take a baby’s temperature in their sleep.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I'd like to win, because we don't have a good thermometer, for our daughter. It would really be a help to not have two people holding her down, in order to take her temperature! :)
I'm a blog follower.
I'm a Facebook fan of Exergen: (my username is Thrifty Sarah) http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000877298034
I would like to win this thermometer because I think it would be so much easier to use than what we have now. We currently use one of the ear thermometers and my daughter hates it. She moves around so much when we try to take her temperature, that we're never confident we've done it right. It would be wonderful to be able to take a temperatures while she's sleeping!
I'm a google friend connect blog follower publicly
I would like to win because we are looking forward to our first little one and we don't have a thermometer yet. Every review I have read of the Exergen Temporal thermometer has been so positive! Thank you for the opportunity to win one!
ebickell at hotmail dot com
i have been wanting one of these! we seem to go thru regular thermometers so quickly. when dd is ill i could take her temp as she sleeps.
I would love to have this because I have an ear thermometer and I hate it. stephfrbs at gmail dot com
I have 3 kids, 2 of which are little and this would work great!
I am their fan!
I am a follower!
I have 2 preschoolers and temperature taking is usually a kicking and screaming fight. It would be great to be able to take their temperatures in their sleep.
I'm an email subscriber.
I hate tasking my kids temp cause they always move and run away this will make it easier for me
I subscribe via email
Well I want this thermometer because my kids are sick right now!! : ) And I have always wanted to try one of these!
I already follow your blog. Love it!!
I have your button also on my website.
I love that it's totally non invasive and takes the temp in mere seconds
thanks for the chance
msboatgal at aol.com
facebook fan
(cheryl smith), msboatgal at aol.com
I'd love to win because the thermometer we currently have in our house is a hassle to deal with and doesn't seem to give accurate readings (said my temp was at like 80 degrees...really thermometer??). The Exergen Temporal Scanner seems to easy/accurate to use and it is noninvasive. Awesome! Thanks for the chance.
I'm subscribing to your feed via google reader.
I'm a fan of Exergen on facebook.
I love the idea of not having to hold down a squirmer! And having it be so quick!!!!!
This would really be helpful because it takes temperature quickly and efficiently without the struggle of keeping children stay still when they are already in a miserable mood because they are sick.
Have your button: http://adventuresinwinterland.blogspot.com
i would love to win this because i love that you can get an accurate reading on their forehead, when they are sick you hate to try and make them more uncomfortable by trying to stick one in their ear or under their armpit.
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
thanks for the opprotunity!
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chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
i have the creative side of me button here:
(scroll down to buttons/banners, they are in alphabetical order)
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
facebook fan of exergen;}
facebook user name: ChacoyAguayo
link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Exergen-TemporalScanner/37004097909#!/pages/Exergen-TemporalScanner/37004097909?v=feed&story_fbid=372024812909&ref=mf
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
I'd love to win this because I have a four year old & it's a real trial trying to take her temperature.
I have your button
I want this because I have an ear thermometer for my kids that I am convinced does not work!! I hate that thing and want one like this! Thanks!
jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com
After taking my 3yo to the urgent care with a double ear infection and seeing one of these in action, I never want to stick something in her sore ears again!!!
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
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coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Entered in McLinky here:
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
I love that it's non-invasive. It would be so much easier to use than the digital thermometer on the little ones!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love that you can use it on the forehead
i want this because taking a temperature is the WORST! my daughter sees the thermometer and gets so worked up. this seems so easy!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
I want this thermometer because I had a Braun ear thermometer that has finally given out after 3 kids and I am pregnant with my 4th!
Following on GFC
melanie bleile
I am a fan of exergen on facebook
melanie bleile
I have two little ones and another on the way, right now I use a digtal oral thermometer this would make it a lot easier, my daughter does not fight it but my son hates having his temp taken thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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I am a fan of Exergen on facebook (mrstinareynolds)
I'd love to be able to easily take the girls temps. Currently we have a very slow one we use underarms and the girls hate it.
I'd love to win because I could take their temps while they sleep
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I probably hardly have to tell you why I would want this! LOL With 7 children, and our 2nd set of twins on the way, a quick, non-invasive temp taking method would be great for the times that sickness goes through most of the crew at once!
elireeves at stny dot rr dot com
Oops! Missed the deadline, I think. Oh, well, I am still an email subscriber! LOL
elireeves at stny dot rr dot com
I want to win this thermometer because my digital one takes too long and little ones don't have the patients to wait 3 minutes to get a reading.
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
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