Friday, September 25, 2009

My Birthday - a GIVEAWAY for you!

Yesterday was my birthday! In celebration of my *ahem* many years, I have a giveaway for YOU! In case you missed yesterday's post, don't forget to enter to win a copy of Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly! It is one of my favorite books!

My husband decided to take our kids shopping for my birthday. For a few weeks now, I've been prepping my 3 year old on my birthday list:
  • Chocolate
  • Candle
  • Dishwasher
The "dishwasher" was added one day when the sink was piled high... :-)

Little Miss will now, when prompted, recite mommy's birthday wishlist:
  • Chocolate
  • Candle
  • Dishwasher
Before the kids went to bed, they proudly gave me their gifts. I got exactly what I asked for:

Lindt chocolate - Candle - Dishwasher
My husband thinks he's so funny...! :-)

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  1. Happy Birthday! You have a sweet family =) I hope a new & shiny dishwasher came with sponge!

  2. That is too cute. Happy belated birthday, if I didn't tell you yesterday....I can't remember if I did...

  3. So cute!! Now what you need is a picture of your husband HOLDING the sponge while HE does the dishes! ;-) Happy Birthday!!

  4. That is too funny! Happy Birthday to you! ;0)

  5. Happy Belated Birthday lady!!! And what an adorable gift :) It is way too cute and I bet it left a huge smile on your face!! xo


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