We have several chestnut trees, and they are currently dropping their fruit.
Lots of chestnuts! LOTS. OF. CHESTNUTS.
Our yard is full...and I can hear more dropping as I type!
I've never eaten a chestnut, let alone cooked with one.
Does anyone have a dummies guide to chestnuts?
What do I do with them?? What nut does a chestnut taste most like?
Seriously, I have no clue...

Tags: recipes chestnuts
not a clue over here! Good luck with that.
I have no idea. I didn't even know they were real. LOL then again I'm not the brightest crayon in the box. It be cool if you kept them and put them in a basket for xmas, like a cool decoration. Looks like you can even paint them some fall colors. Or make a wreath using them. IDK. I just see arts and crafts when i see these. lol
When or If you find out what to do with them, could you let me know? We have 19 trees in our yard....ALL of them chestnut trees! Whoever planted them must have been crazy! I hate mowing this time of year...
I don't know either... But share what you find! We had chestnuts growing up and there prickly shells were always such an inconvenience when I wanted to play "Little House of the Prairie"! Ah to have such problems again...
I came by from SITS to tell you I have no idea.
Ummm I would maybe say, roast them over an open fire {burner on a gas stove} and see... just have a fire extighuisr ready.
I don't think I've ever tasted a chestnut! Hmmm.
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