Ahh, another “Amish” book.
But, I couldn’t resist when I was given the opportunity to review A Man of His Word. I didn’t really like the cover design, but I’ve always tried to remember the often-true saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
I’m glad I kept those words in mind…A Man of His Word was really good! Of all the “Amish-genre” authors that I’ve read, my favorite has always been Beverly Lewis. I sincerely hope that Kathleen Fuller will take it as a compliment that I felt I was reading one of Beverly’s books.
Moriah Miller, newly married and expecting a baby, is abandoned by her Amish husband. Stunned, utterly confused, and blaming herself, Moriah moves back with her parents, hoping and praying that her husband Levi will realize his mistake and return to his family.
In the background is Levi’s twin brother, Gabe, longing to offer Moriah more than his support and sympathy.
Kathleen writes an emotional story of loss and love. A Man of His Word was very engaging with well-developed characters. The book was a quick, easy read that I enjoyed.
Kathleen has another Amish-set book coming out in March 2010. I look forward to reading An Honest Love, as well as others by her.
320 pages by Thomas Nelson.
Recommend: YES

Tags: Kathleen Fuller A Man of His Word Christian fiction Amish Fiction book reviews Amish Thomas Nelson Beverly Lewis
What a lovely breath of fresh air your blog is! I love your header too. Thanks for stopping by Pink Sugar :) Hope to see you again soon!! xo
Wow, Stephanie! I'm definitely complimented by the comparison to Beverly Lewis. Thank you for taking the time to read and review the book. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
hi, i don't have this book but i saw it in a store and i want it. right now I'm on my computer looking for a copy, and so far, its been three hours and no luck.i read the sample and i like your book .Sorry my name is Jess and I'm 15,i have to go see u in a bit
Thanks for stopping by, Jess! You can find A Man of His Word HERE on Amazon!
I went there and I finally told my mom and she said she going to get me the book =)I'm excited!!!!!
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