Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How To Make A Quilt In A Weekend: My First Quilt

One of my favorite crafty endeavors that I actually completed (yeah, I'm one of those... I've started more crafty things than I can count, but many are left unfinished)...


...that I actually completed is my first ever quilt:

I found the "How to Make a Quilt in a Weekend" instructions in 1996 in an August issue of Woman's Day. I ripped it out and put it in my where-can-I-put-this-so-I'll-remember-where-it-is-someday-because-this-looks-fun-to-make file and there it sat.

For 2 years.

(Hey, that's pretty good. I've got stuff in that "file" that has been there for forever. ;-) I don't even know what good ideas are in there anymore that I'm supposed to be having fun with...lol)!

The summer between my sophomore and junior years of college, I decided to tackle the quilt project!

The hardest part of the entire project was picking out the fabric. I knew I wanted greens and burgundys, but it was still so difficult to narrow a whole wall full of colorful bolts down to only 6 somewhat coordinated pleasing choices.

(And, contrary to what I initially thought, fabric is NOT cheap!! Be prepared to plunk down a pretty penny for most of it!! Or...start watching for sales or remnants and pick up the pieces gradually; although, that makes it a bit harder to match and coordinate if you're as picky as I am).

The back of the quilt is just a sheet.

The quilt graced my dormitory bed for my junior and senior years and then found a home on the guest room bed, after I got married. We no longer have a guest room, so the quilt now stays folded up in a rubbermaid tub to be used on the pull-out sofa bed whenever company does arrive.

Overall, I was so pleased with my first quilt. It took me a little longer than a weekend, but the instructions were easy to follow and really, the whole project was pretty simple.

If you can cut and sew a straight seam, you can make this quilt! Here are the instructions:

quiltinstruc_pg1 -

quiltinstruc_pg2 -

I hope to start gathering some bright pinks, purples, and greens to make this same quilt for my little girl's room.

I couldn't believe that Jen posted about her quilt yesterday as I was working on my quilt post!! Check out her "I Spy" quilt...it's really fun!

*if you'd like the .pdf file emailed to you, just drop me a note! I'll be glad to send them on!*

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  1. Wow, I don't sew at all, but that looks beautiful!

    My sister must have gotten the sewing gene: she's a terrific quilter.

  2. Here from SITS. I would love to sit and do something like that... I am still making friends with mysewing machine... I've managed straight lines, so that's a start, right? :)

  3. Nice job! I have always wanted to make a quilt. I have some of my grandmother's quilt squares that I want to use.

    You're right fabric is NOT cheap!

  4. wowow such a great looking quilt! My mom did one to me like yours.... but I really don't have your's or my mom's skills to do one like that.

  5. Great job! I am actually starting my first quilt for my niece... hoping to be done with it by Christmas. I have the squares cut out, so far. I just learned to sew last year, so I hope it will turn out great. I will probably use your instructions for guidance. :) Thanks! So glad I found this post!

  6. I made this quilt about 7 years ago for my son, and purchased fabric to make one for myself. I, too, have one of those files for things I may want to try someday, but unfortunately, these instructions went missing somewhere along the way! I was so happy to google Woman's Day weekend quilt" and find this page - now I can get to work!

  7. Could you please email the PDF of this pattern? My email is octupletdownATgmailDOTcom


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