Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Christmas In July

As this blog is the "creative" side of me, which is usually shown in the recipes I post, I thought I would share a blog I came across the other day.

I'm always finding neat little ideas that I'm storing away on my hard drive or in a box in my closet for the (very near) future when I begin homeschooling my children.

Of course, I come across plenty of ideas that won't be for school purposes...and, this blog had some great Christmas ideas! They're doing a series of "Christmas in July" posts right now!

I think my daughter is old enough this year to enjoy an advent calendar. You will find plenty of pictures and instructions on the classic fabric and pocket advent calendars. I found a few others that were a bit more interesting...

Here are some that are made of matchboxes!

Matchbox Advent Trees

Check out this extra fun one by Analise, using a clearance Target find. You've got to imagine things with a coat of paint and your own embellishments! :-)

This one is giving me all kinds of inspiration and getting my creative juices flowing!!! It uses a mini muffin tin!

new advent calendar

And, this one would be great over our new sliding glass door (anyone got these kind of tins floating around...um, 25 of them to be exact?!) lol!

Oy, some people are SOO creative!! ;-) If it weren't for them, I really wouldn't be creative at all!! :-D The ideas of the truly creative are what prod me on!

Recommend: YES

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  1. Hello! I made the mint tin calendar -- happy you like it! :-)

    It took, oh, three? four? years to collect enough tins. And that when my husband was a Penguins caffeinated mint addict. And I *still* ended up purchasing a handful of empty Altoids tins on Etsy!

    So you have to be pretty dedicated to the project. lol

  2. I'm just so not creative..even with other peoples ideas. LOL.

    thanks for entering my giveaway.

  3. How fun! Thanks for linking us. We liked the excuse of a Christmas in July to start making some Christmas crafts;)

    You have a lovely blog.

    Anjeanette of the R&W girls

  4. Oh wow...now I wish I hadn't taken the recycling off yesterday that included 2 recently vacated mint tins...

    Visiting you from SITS--have a great day!


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