I just finished another novel by Kim Vogel Sawyer, Where the Heart Leads.
Where the Heart Leads is the story of grown-up Thomas Ollenburger, whom you meet in Kim's previous book, Waiting for Summer's Return. (The family characters are repeated, but the two books can be read independently of each other).
Thomas has finally completed his college education in Boston and returns home to Kansas, unsure of his direction in life.
Young, selfish Daphne Severt holds much of his heart in Boston. The other part of his heart longs to please his father and stay in Kansas and also wonders at the drastic change in his old classmate, Belinda Schmidt.
Oh, how I would love to share more of the story with you. But, this one's a hard one!! Even my closing thoughts on the book could give the ending away...and I don't want to do that!!!
I loved that Kim Vogel Sawyer's lead character was a male. Few books with a (I would assume) mainly female audience are written from that perspective. I found it very refreshing and interesting!
The entire novel was fresh and different! A young man with two young women tugging at his heart. If you're like me, you'll probably...ooh! can't say!! If I do, you'll know Thomas ends up where with who! :-)
I highly recommend Where the Heart Leads. Kim easily wove the Gospel into her story and showed how Christ can change lives when one allows Him.
I'm so glad I have finally had a chance to read some of Sawyer's books. As mentioned in a previous post, I already have a couple of her other books circled in my CBD fiction catalog. I believe she will become one of my often-read authors! You know the ones -- those authors that you anxiously await a new book to come out of!!
So, if you're looking for a new book to read, check out Where the Heart Leads or Waiting for Summer's Return!
352 pages by Bethany House.
Recommend: YES

Tags: Kim Vogel Sawyer Where the Heart Leads Christian fiction Mennonite book reviews Kansas Ollenburger
Thanks for the recommendation, it sounds great. I will check this book out.
This looks like a good read. I am having so much trouble finishing books lately. I just finally finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It was really great too!
Was it you that asked me if I had seen Mennonite Girls Can Cook? Well, I finally got over there and that is a wonderful blog! ;0)
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