I give Tracie credit for mentioning in the front cover that What She Left For Me may not be appropriate for all readers and that moms should use discretion in the decision to let their teen daughters read this book.
Tracie knows how to write a wonderful story. I have read most of her books, and of those I haven't, I am constantly trying to find copies to read. What She Left For Me was well-written, but I don't believe I would recommend it to others. Tracie deals with some very difficult issues, including marital unfaithfulness and sexual abuse. I understand that some do not want to read "fluff," so this kind of reality might appeal to them. I also understand that issues such as divorce and abuse IS sadly prevalent in today's society and should not be "hush-hush" in our churches. I don't, however, feel that these types of subjects should be for "fun," fictionalized reading. Even though Tracie was careful in her descriptions, I just had an "icky" feeling after I finished parts of this book.
I believe Tracie's intent in dealing with some of these subjects was to open the eyes of some Christians. Many Christians are dealing with hurts and issues that we have no idea of. That Christians that have no experience in dealing with these subjects tend to still shun those that have. Opening our eyes to the shameful blaming of victims in these circumstances.
However, I, again, do not feel that a fictionalized story is the place to talk about serious sin issues. God gave us the perfect teaching tools in His Word and His local church. Too many churches are not teaching the WHOLE counsel of the Word of God (Acts 20:27). In God's Word we can find lessons on sin, compassion, healing, and comfort.
I still enjoy Tracie's books and will certainly read another. What She Left For Me, however, will not find a permanent home on my shelf.
352 pages by Bethany House.

Tags: Tracie Peterson What She Left For Me Christian fiction Bethany House book reviews